Monday, July 21

Lots of Things...

GEEZ! I might be a rich girl, la da da da da da da da da. Each of us have a 4-wheeler, we have 2 cars, Taylor and I have a Nintendo DS, we have 2 lambs names Abelina which used to be an Abraham, and a Zeke that took the place of Noah, our littlest lamb that died of like, skinnieness. We HAD like, four rabbits, we feed and take care of 2 horses at our house named Frosty and Maverick, we have a BIG house, Daddy has a MoPed, We have a REALLY cool camera with like a 2.5in. wide scrren on it, and we can video on it which we have been doing- a LOT! We made a short movie about Mountain Dew with like 20 scenes and credits!!!! We have 3 peacocks, and chickens. We also have 3 kitties, a pool, a Play Station 2, a Wii, and a very loving family.

How rich are we? I don't know actually. Daddy says that we're actually supposed to be known as kinda poor, but I think we're rich anyway. :)


Anonymous said...

Just remember - all those things you have - won't make you a better person or go to Heaven when you die with you. There are only a few things that will last longer than all those things even after you're gone - and that is what you have left behind - as in a legacy. What will people say about you? What do you believe in? Do you stand up for your beliefs? How do you treat people? Are you respectful and honest or do you just tell everyone what they want to hear or what will make you go ahead of someone else?

Your legacy and relationships are some of the most important thing in your life. If you lost all those tangible things you listed - what would you be then??

Anonymous said...

You are home and NOT in school!!! WHY AREN'T YOU UPDATING MORE?????

Happy birthday today to Taylor!!