Friday, July 25


I haven't been updating because:

  1. My sisters have been on the computer so much
  2. I've been uptairs doing Girl things with Taylor
  3. Taylor and I have been swimming, then straightning our hair, then swimming again, so we'd have to straigten again.
  4. I've been at mom's every other week.
  5. When I'm at my Dad's we uually have been going places like up North to the Resort.
  6. I need to be running for cross-country again (I'm getting my note Aug. 18)
  7. I've been too busy having fun as a kid instead of in front of the comp. all day

And also, my Aunt Noelle came over today and I beat her in EVERYTHING on the Wii. She got so mad, it wuz so halairious!!!!

There's a new poll to your left, seriously, no one takes thoe anymore! <:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok punk - why don't you tell everyone that you beat me - BARELY - and it was the first time I've ever seen a Wii game or held a Wii controller. Give me a few practices - I'll kick your scrawny butt any day!!! :)