look at the world,
now what do you see?
look at the world,
the world of no peace.
look at the world,
the place where u live.
look at the world,
ask 'who will forgive?'
look at the world.
the ground where you stand.
look at the world,
of free and slaved land.
stare at the world,
wonder 'what's next?'
stare at the world,
and all fear reflects.
stare at the world,
and see all the lies.
it tries to hide it but they seep through,
no matter how much it tries.
when you look at the world,
remember your name.
and when you look at the world,
don't forget from where you came.
when you walk the world,
and think 'was the past this strange?'
no matter how much u stay the same,
the world will always change.
by; Jessica Gable
Thursday, August 12
yea boo, watch me burn cuz i like the way it feels boo, yea its ok! ....?!
eminem and rihanna- "love the way you lie" music video can be describes in 3 letters.... WTF!?
"just gonna stand there n watch me burn? well that's all right because i like the way it hurts. just gonna stand there and hear me cry? well thats alright becasue i love the way you lie.. i love the way u lie."
okay, so show of hands, (even though i can't see you just raise your hand lol), who out there likes it when someone lies to yuu.? cuz i for one just cannottttt get enough of it!!.....NOT. rihanna, chris brown took u down and beat u up n now yuur sayyin "ahhw yeaaa boo its ight just hit me n burn me n ya its ook boo just-" ya wtf.. n she got this red hair all up in there lookin like her hairs on fire it's like "what r u asking for?" shes a BBEAUUTIFULLL girl so she can pull it off, she just a lil bit freako in that pretty little red-haired head of hers.
so about the video, theres this guy whos cheating on the super hot Megan Fox,.. whos doing like whitchcraft in the bieginning and end..?. he hits her n stuff n its really mean n low but it's a greatt video. if u experienced abuse before or witnessed it, i wouldn't watch it cuz its realllyy cooll, but DEEP.
the SONG alone is chilling. eminem is amazing his words are inncreddibbbbleee.
"You ever love somebody so much
You can barely breathe
When you're with them
You meet And neither one of you
Even know what hit 'em
Got that warm fuzzy feeling
Yeah them chills
Used to get 'em
Now you're getting f**king sick
Of looking at 'em
You swore you've never hit 'em
Never do nothing to hurt 'em
Now you're in each other's face
Spewing venom
And these words
When you spit 'em
You push
Pull each other's hair
Scratch, claw, bit 'em
Throw 'em down
Pin 'em
So lost in the moments
When you're in 'em
It's the rage that took over
It controls you both
So they say it's best
To go your separate ways
Guess that they don't know ya
Cause today
That was yesterday
Yesterday is over
It's a different day
Sound like broken records
Playin' over
But you promised her
Next time you'll show restraint
You don't get another chance
Life is no Nintendo game
But you lied again
Now you get to watch her leave
Out the window
Guess that's why they call it window pane"
the music video is sensational and very thrilling. i loved it. haven't seen anything that can top it... its realllyyy good. great team work great song. great video. great message. just GREAT.
that's one of my most favorite verses from him EVER.. he's just amazing. i mean like DAANGGG the song alone makes me wanna duck tape a cat to the friggin wall,, when i saw the viddd,,,pshh i wanted to knock someone in the head with a brick. idk y music makes me feel this way? lol maybe im the one with the issues.. idk anyways, check it out, comment, lemme know what it makes u wanna do haha.
"just gonna stand there n watch me burn? well that's all right because i like the way it hurts. just gonna stand there and hear me cry? well thats alright becasue i love the way you lie.. i love the way u lie."
okay, so show of hands, (even though i can't see you just raise your hand lol), who out there likes it when someone lies to yuu.? cuz i for one just cannottttt get enough of it!!.....NOT. rihanna, chris brown took u down and beat u up n now yuur sayyin "ahhw yeaaa boo its ight just hit me n burn me n ya its ook boo just-" ya wtf.. n she got this red hair all up in there lookin like her hairs on fire it's like "what r u asking for?" shes a BBEAUUTIFULLL girl so she can pull it off, she just a lil bit freako in that pretty little red-haired head of hers.
so about the video, theres this guy whos cheating on the super hot Megan Fox,.. whos doing like whitchcraft in the bieginning and end..?. he hits her n stuff n its really mean n low but it's a greatt video. if u experienced abuse before or witnessed it, i wouldn't watch it cuz its realllyy cooll, but DEEP.
the SONG alone is chilling. eminem is amazing his words are inncreddibbbbleee.
"You ever love somebody so much
You can barely breathe
When you're with them
You meet And neither one of you
Even know what hit 'em
Got that warm fuzzy feeling
Yeah them chills
Used to get 'em
Now you're getting f**king sick
Of looking at 'em
You swore you've never hit 'em
Never do nothing to hurt 'em
Now you're in each other's face
Spewing venom
And these words
When you spit 'em
You push
Pull each other's hair
Scratch, claw, bit 'em
Throw 'em down
Pin 'em
So lost in the moments
When you're in 'em
It's the rage that took over
It controls you both
So they say it's best
To go your separate ways
Guess that they don't know ya
Cause today
That was yesterday
Yesterday is over
It's a different day
Sound like broken records
Playin' over
But you promised her
Next time you'll show restraint
You don't get another chance
Life is no Nintendo game
But you lied again
Now you get to watch her leave
Out the window
Guess that's why they call it window pane"
the music video is sensational and very thrilling. i loved it. haven't seen anything that can top it... its realllyyy good. great team work great song. great video. great message. just GREAT.
that's one of my most favorite verses from him EVER.. he's just amazing. i mean like DAANGGG the song alone makes me wanna duck tape a cat to the friggin wall,, when i saw the viddd,,,pshh i wanted to knock someone in the head with a brick. idk y music makes me feel this way? lol maybe im the one with the issues.. idk anyways, check it out, comment, lemme know what it makes u wanna do haha.
Coming back wit it!
well, i'm back. since Jonny5 is about the only one who reads anyways it'll be something for me to do i guess lol. anyways, instead of an onlne diary, the 411 will now be new and fresh. better dissscussions. more interesting. since i;m in love with music, i;m gonna be doing some reviewing today.
sooo.. i watched to video to the wonderful t-pain and lil wayne's "can't believe it" and i was like "....whattt,,.?" haha it's like a circus, then out of no where their riding rollercoasters at a fair..
ik.. haha. and he's saying how he's gonna put this girl in a mansion..in WISCANSIN. not wisconson, no no no that would be too normal for the T-Wayne crew up in there.
so then my lil wayne man starts...singing? if thats what u wanna call it. it sounds like he groans words n slurrs, haha u can't tell what he says so u have to look up the lyrics to even sing/ groan it lol. but thats what he's famous for. known for his teardrops, dreads, music n ryhmes, wayne finished on top every single time! it's crazyness. lol butthe mix of magician/circus/fair and t-wayne makes a great song in the end, and a greaattt video. it's different. lemme know what u think! anything u want me to check outt? anyythinggg would be nicee(;
"if you dont want anyone to find out, dont do it."
-love muchhh,
sooo.. i watched to video to the wonderful t-pain and lil wayne's "can't believe it" and i was like "....whattt,,.?" haha it's like a circus, then out of no where their riding rollercoasters at a fair..
ik.. haha. and he's saying how he's gonna put this girl in a mansion..in WISCANSIN. not wisconson, no no no that would be too normal for the T-Wayne crew up in there.
so then my lil wayne man starts...singing? if thats what u wanna call it. it sounds like he groans words n slurrs, haha u can't tell what he says so u have to look up the lyrics to even sing/ groan it lol. but thats what he's famous for. known for his teardrops, dreads, music n ryhmes, wayne finished on top every single time! it's crazyness. lol butthe mix of magician/circus/fair and t-wayne makes a great song in the end, and a greaattt video. it's different. lemme know what u think! anything u want me to check outt? anyythinggg would be nicee(;
"if you dont want anyone to find out, dont do it."
-love muchhh,
Saturday, May 22
heyy guys your probably not gonna read this but im goiung to tell you anyways. im going to start m blogging all over with a new website and everything so just so you know, ill e-mail the site to. well, c u whoever is reading this!!
Sunday, April 4
an update that no one will bother to look at..
well its my birthday today!!! :D and its easter! thats cool right? yeah. AND next summer i start drivers ED!!! whoot whoot yo! yeah. okay well if anyone is looking for a singing at anywhere, come talk to me beasuse i really want to sing in church but i never get the chace. alright ill ttyl.
Thursday, March 11

Sometimes when you get your heart broken like i did, you think that youll either die without him, never recover, or just stop beathing. life goes on. can iget an amen? i mean, i have other things to worry about. so many things are going on right now like, exams,peformances, pom practices, pom tryouts, and finding someone who won't break my heart. i think i found him! according to anciet greek, humans were made with 4 eyes, 4 legs, 4 arms, 2 noses, 2 mouths ect., and Zues was afraid of their power so he split them in half, leaving them to find the other half of themselves. these people were called soulmates! how cool is that!!! everyone has one.. and idk if i've found him b/c im only 14 (well, not officially, but in less than a month i will be!), but you can fall in love, and i know that becasue i have before. in my last relationship, i loved him so much. and i know it was real b/c its been almost a month now without him and im still getting over him, but it's a little easier to forget about him when your falling for someone else.. idk.
Wednesday, March 3
don't take life seriously.. no one gets out alive! :) haha jk life is a very serious thing, but sometimes its just DRAMA and it gets super annoying. life for me now is s good cant even believe it, yea, things are happening that aren't good, but it doesn't mean life is bad i mean Judas priest!
if you have a friend that wants to kill himself what do you do? if you have a best friend that's dating a girl you hate cuz shes a total whore what do you do? if you like this amazing guy who is so sweet, and he takes breath out of your lungs by words from his mouth? if you like this guy, and he likes you back but you just got out of a bad relationship and you wanna wait- what do you really do?? seriously guys i wanna know. i ask you questions so you can answer them..
if you have a friend that wants to kill himself what do you do? if you have a best friend that's dating a girl you hate cuz shes a total whore what do you do? if you like this amazing guy who is so sweet, and he takes breath out of your lungs by words from his mouth? if you like this guy, and he likes you back but you just got out of a bad relationship and you wanna wait- what do you really do?? seriously guys i wanna know. i ask you questions so you can answer them..
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